My first post on my historic new blog! How exciting! After spending quite a bit of time on my Blogger and Typepad blogs, I am now experimenting with WordPress. With my new job and my new school, I needed a new start in the blogging world.

So what you’ll find here:

Lots of discussion of education. I have been a high school English teacher for 18 years and have just moved into the role of Instructional Lead Teacher. My new job is a very difficult one to describe. At some point, perhaps I’ll link to the county job description. For now, I’ll just categorize it as multi-faceted (like all jobs in education), with emphasis on mentoring, professional development, and technology integration. So far, my year has been dominated by the mentoring part, but I’m sure that will begin to shift soon. I’ve also recently found myself focused on the budgeting angle, which is a new and pretty uncomfortable hat for me to wear.
Ah, well, it seems the time for my blogging has come and gone this morning. Let’s all have a great day!