I truly must be, because somehow I found myself deciding to attempt NaBloPoMo (short for National Blog Posting Month), a take-off on NaNoWriMo.  NoBloPoMo is a bit less ambitious than its elder sibling (cousin?), as it simply requires those who dare to post to their blogs daily every day during the month of November. As relatively simple as that might sound, one quick look at the infrequency of my posts over the last year (or two) would prove to you what a drastic and herculean task this might prove to be for moi.  I’m fairly certain I won’t make it, but then I’ll feel pretty disappointed in myself.

One thing that is on my side is my brand new iMac–and I do mean “BRAND NEW” as in just-pulled-it-out-of-the-box-still-waiting-for-all-the-software-updates-to-install-and-I-sure-do-love-the-way-my-husband-is-salivating-with-envy kind of new.

It’s beautiful–far too pretty to be a mere computer. It truly is decorative. I’m so lucky.

1 blog  post down, only 29 more to go!

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